Western Circuit Tanzania


western circuit parks of Tanzania through Katavi National Park, Mahale Mountains National Park, and Gombe Stream National Park, and Chimpanzee Trekking Tanzania offering the best and rarest chimpanzee (Chimp) tracking Tanzania

Tanzania has so much to offer! To make it easier to plan your trip, Tanzania has been divided into regional circuits – all offering breathtaking landscapes, intriguing wildlife and a plethora of exciting safari activities! The two main Tanzania safari circuits are northern and southern, but to give you a comprehensive guide, we will also cover the western safari circuit as well as the coastal circuit

The Western Circuit embraces the parks along Lake Tanganyika, the western border of Tanzania with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The vast space in a remote natural location makes the circuit worth a visit. Gombe Stream National Park was made famous by Jane Goodall’s research on its chimpanzee population and subsequent habituation. Mahale Mountains National Park further south, on the shores
